아틀라시안은 2024년 12월 10일 Confluence 9.2 LTS(Long Term Support)를 공개했습니다.
마지막 LTS인 Confluence 8.5 이후로 약 15개월이 지났습니다.
9.2의 지원이 종료될 때까지 중요한 보안, 안정성, 데이터 무결성 및 성능 문제를 해결하기 위해 버그 수정 릴리스를 제공합니다.
Confluence 8.5 이후 주요 업데이트 된 사항입니다.
Better secrets management, encryption, and storage 8.6 8.7 9.1
Encrypted user directory server passwords 8.8
Tighten security with websudo allowlists 8.9
New default HTTP security headers 9.0
New health check for improved backup security 9.0
Site-wide password policy enforcement to enhance security 9.1
More secure login with two-step verification 9.1
New REST APIs for easier content and permission management 8.8 9.0 9.1
New infrastructure metrics for in-product diagnostics 8.8
New health checks for Synchrony connectivity, mail error queue, and user directories in the ATST app 8.8
Support for OpenSearch as an alternative search platform 9.0
Retention rules performance and reliability improvements 9.1
Introduced support for Pgpool-II 8.7
Microsoft Entra ID integration can be used as a remote user directory 9.1
Dark theme is here! 9.0
Word count and estimated read time for pages and blogs 9.0
Support for languages and special characters in page URLs 9.1
Say more with image captions 8.6
A faster way to create text links 8.6
Paste without formatting using Ctrl+Shift+V 8.6
Use the forward slash command to add macros 8.6
Sort your tables in the editor 8.7
Delete multiple attachments at once 8.8
Resize images in a flash 8.9
Code Block macro enhancements 9.0
Customize your profile pic! 8.9
Check out the full list of fixed issues
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