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[Atlassian]Jira 아카이빙 전략 세우기 5단계 입니다.


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Jira software로 아카이빙을 구축하는 5단계를 알려드립니다. 



The problem with not having an archiving (or spring cleaning) plan

We observe three main problems when customers don’t implement an archiving strategy for Jira. They are:


1.  Jira slows down – It’s not uncommon to see Jira instances that have the entire history of a company’s product development in a single production Jira instance. Does your team need all of those tickets on a day-to-day basis?


2.  Relevant information becomes harder to find – The chances of stumbling upon an old ticket or project increases the longer you’ve been using Jira. This can make finding the most relevant information more difficult for end users.


3.  Administration becomes more challenging – The longer the list of projects becomes, the more difficult it is for Jira administrators to track what information in their instance is relevant and what’s out of date.


Especially with larger Jira customers, where the number of Jira projects grows 17% year-over-year, the need to archive becomes more urgent. How would you approach cleaning up your Jira instance and starting to archive, if it were like a house that needed a “spring cleaning”?


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